What is circumcision?
Circumcision is a surgery to remove the foreskin, a fold of skin that covers and protects the rounded tip of the penis. The foreskin provides sensation and lubrication for the penis. After the foreskin is removed, it can't be put back on again.
If circumcision is done, it's usually done soon after birth. It's sometimes done in older children and adults to treat problems with the foreskin of the penis (such as phimosis or paraphimosis) or inflammation of the tip of the penis (balanitis).
How will you know if circumcision is right for your child?
It's up to you whether you have your baby circumcised or not. This decision is often based on personal and cultural preferences. For example, you may want to consider your religious and family traditions.
Circumcision has both risks and benefits. The American Academy of Pediatrics says the health benefits of circumcision outweigh the risks of the surgery. They also say that parents should be the ones to decide what is in the best interest of their child.footnote1
Keep in mind that circumcision isn't just done in newborns. It can also be done later in life if your child chooses to have a circumcised penis.
Why might a circumcision not be done?
Your doctor may not do circumcision if your baby has a medical condition that makes problems from the surgery more likely. For example, surgery may not be done if your baby is sick or unstable, has a family history of bleeding problems, or was born early and isn't yet able to go home.
What are the risks of circumcision?
Problems from circumcision aren't common. If they occur, they usually are minor. The most common problems are:
Infection of the circumcision site.
Irritation of the exposed tip of the penis.
Blockage of the opening of the urethra (meatal stenosis).
More serious problems are rare. They include damage to the opening of the urethra, heavy bleeding that requires stitches, severe infection, and scarring.
Who performs circumcisions?
Circumcisions usually are done by a doctor such as a pediatrician or urologist. Circumcisions performed for religious reasons are sometimes done by others trained in the procedure. For your baby's safety, be sure the person is well trained, uses sterile techniques, and knows how to manage your baby's pain during and after the surgery.